Saturday, August 25, 2007

Poker bonanza!

Just finished a crazy game of Texas Hold'em, and I must say that it was the craziest ever!

It started at around 8, when Adam decided to bring his chip set down. This was just after the Halo party in the Baige, where almost 90% of the guys were battling it out on Halo, in which Ed (the crippled dude, ^.^ ) came out tops. Then again, he owns the bloody X-box so it's not too surprising.

Anyways, we couldn't find enough people so Adam and I had to hunt for a few dudes to fill the table up. First up was Ryan's room (the guy who kinda looks like Navin), but Ryan, Justin, Wally and Meg were playing Dota. On the second floor we came upon Ed's room, and asked if he would like to play a little bit of poker. He called down Tim and Carl (fatty), and we were off!

However, we didn't have enough chips, so Tim improvised and brought down his bucket of Lego. (Why would he have a bucket of Lego in his room anyway?) It was pretty offbeat, but great fun all the same.

It started out quite slowly, with a few beginners feeling their way into the game. You had the basic "I don't understand blinds" to dudes folding when they could check instead!It was pretty even until Damien came along, and sat down beside Carl (beginner).

He started wiping out people from left, right and center with Carl's money. He then took over Ed's place when Ed got wiped out, upon which Ed decided to get his stash of alcohol to further hypen up the atmosphere! Instead of using money to buy in again, the dudes offered shots from their stash of alcohol to the 'rich' people instead.

Alcohol and poker is possibly the best combination of fun bar a real party. Everyone was just laughing their heads off at the incredible combinations that came out. There was your "Four of a kind" hand, where Carl nicely kept inconspicuous throughout the whole round and then just wiped everyone out. Then there was Tim who didn't even know he had a bloody full house and wiped the pot clean. Then there was good ol' me who did a major last-card-fuck on Damien, and effectively ended his tenure on the table!

There was also the intense round between Ed (who bought in through Tim with a shot of Jim Beams) and me, where we poker-faced our way, not knowing that we had identical hands and thought we could fleece the other dude out of his money. We got such a great laugh when the hands were shown!

And of course there's Roo, possibly the biggest loser in Texas Hold'em, who bought in three times and lost everything! For the third buy in he gave a shot of Cowgirls to Tim. Essentially, Cowgirls is Bailey's but ten times more feminine! The colour of the content is bright pink, including the bottle as well, with the most girly font at the front saying "Cowgirls". It was just so gay, and Roo got a real good banging there.

Throughout the time people were just coming in and out, wondering what the hell are 8 crazy guys laughing and slamming the tables for! Anyways, so it all went down to three dudes. Ed, effectively coming back from the dead; Tim, who was hitherto the perennial winner; and ol' humble Daniel with quite a respectable hoard too.

Needless to say, the Chinaman prevailed and managed to wipe Ed and Tim out. The blinds were increased a few times to speed up the game, and boy did it go high! It went from one Lego brick for small blind to 10 Lego bricks for small. And apparently the smallest wager allowed has to at least be equal to the big blind. That would mean that I have been playing Texas Hold'em all wrong previously! Oh well..

I reigned as Poker champion of JCH at 12.30 am, an insane 4 hours of non-stop bluffing and all-inning and taking the piss off everyone! Though it still doesn't beat playing with real money it was pretty close I must say.

Well, that's all folks! The king must get his much-needed sleep. Have bloody duty to do in the morning. Don't wanna miss it and get fined for $50! Signing out!

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