Saturday, November 10, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Sorry for the long reply guys.. Exams have really been a disturbance in my current existence.. That said, my first exam, Materials was a bloody joke... I can't believe I spent so much time on an exam an 8 year old would have passed easily..

Heck, Ed and I took one whole afternoon studying it.. Just one whole afternoon, and it's a big possibility that we would get H1's. That's like an A1 in Malaysian standards.. Hah..

Well, like the title says, happy birthday to Haidee Cadd! We had a little 'party' on the roof today to celebrate Haidee's birthday.. We can't really say it's a party because all parties are banned during SWOT Vac.. Then again, it's not SWOT VAC anymore, and it was a study session! Heh..

Haidee, being her usual self, forgot to buy alcohol for the 'party', but we had Brendan from Medley saving the day with two bottles of SMIRNOFF. It was good to see the Medley boys again...

Lunch was actually pretty good today, with decent meat (chicken). Ed was kind enough to get me another piece during the show "Goal 2". Football! I miss that bloody game.. Haihz..

We then watched another show, "Superbad", which was a freakin awesome movie! I don't know whether it was because all of us were inebriated or due to its superior scriptwriting, but nonetheless, laughs were plentiful during the whole show. Hilarious indeed..

Well, that's it then.. Made two packets of IndoMie for supper... Given my current state, I guess it was understandable, the mess I made at the kitchenette...

Exam on Monday, Dynamics & Measurement Systems.. Probably the hardest subject... I don't think it's possible to do any work today, so I guess I'll slog it out tomorrow.. Haha.. Until then.. Adios my friends!