Friday, August 31, 2007

Random Ramblings of a Restless Rover

Poker night was held today instead of tomorrow due to Emma's belated birthday party set up for tomorrow. As by the bell graph of luck goes, I was the first to get kicked out. It was a painful exit though, losing to an Ace pair in the penultimate round and then losing to a straight when I had an Ace and a King pair. Shite.

It was another great round, with insane combos and Rob practically swiping the table clean. Ed then organised a 'visit' to a nearby pub, "Clyde's", which was closing down. It is actually the same one I had my footie scully at, so that plus 5 dollars a jug offer made it very enticing indeed.

Turns out, I didn't go at all. Felt kinda woozy after a couple of glasses of wine. This was because I was invited ot the High Table today, and the wine was better than the previous days. (For those in the dark, High Table is basically the table in the dining hall where the principal and the tutors sit. Students are chosen, apparently in turns at random, to join them at High Table, where we get served top-notch food and get treated quite nicely indeed.)

Anyways, I just remembered about this really interesting statistic that was brought up during a debate between the Juniors and the Seniors. Apparently, Janet Clarke Hall had a severe outbreak of chlamydia during the early 1980's. About 20% of its students contracted chlamydia. This wasn't refuted by the principal, so I would take it as a true stat.

So.. Question is.. What the hell? I really got to watch my step here... :)

I was also doing a bit of elementary maths, and came up with pretty bizzare results. There are about 92 students in JCH at the moment, and for the sake of convenience I would take this value as the average number of students in JCH. So, 20% of students equates to about 18 to 19 students. Because this used to be a women's only college, the amount of women are generally more than men, and thus a ratio of 2 guys for every 3 girls. That would mean that the number of men who contracted chlamydia is in the range of 7 to 9 (In all reality the number could unsurprisingly be significantly lower). That would mean about 10 or more girls contracted chlamydia.

Does this show that men are generally more promiscuous than women? Probably in JCH (then), but it serves no conclusive information for any other inferences to be derived. That's not all though. Let's just say that chlamydia is the most contagious of STDs (If you don't know what it means, you're better off not knowing), with its carriers infecting his or her partner/s 50% of the time. That would mean, at the worst case possible, about 36 students were sexually active during that mini outbreak. That would mean more than one student out of three is getting his or her 'fix'.


Anyways, that's just a bit of food for thought for you guys. I really have no opinion on that morsel of information. All I can say is that it's.. interesting.

Oo, on another total bout of randomness, it's almost 1am here in Australia, so Happy Merdeka Malaysia!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Transcending Borders

Woke up late again today, missing a Maths lecture on limits, which I've never learnt before. Even better, there's a test next week on you guess it, limits. It's 10% of my overall marks too. Great. That's not what this post is about though.

A little preamble before the main story. Today was the first day of the Festival of Nations, where a section of the university was set aside for various clubs to set up stalls to sell food. However, it ended up more like Festival of Asia. There were practically 3 to 4 stalls selling Malaysian and Indonesian food, with another stall by the Thailand Student's Club. The only non-Asian club that was present was
the French Club, which was selling nice-tasting crepes. Apparently,that is. Since I was a subcommittee in the International Engineering Students Society, I was helping out with the stall. We were selling Beef Rendang, Goreng Pisang (which the Aussies call Banana Fritters),and Fried Chicken. And I can tell you that handing out fliers to hundreds of people is NOT fun.

It's funny how you finally take pity on those poor souls who stood beside the escalator at a shopping mall, giving it out fliers with utter indifference. It's just so hard to smile and welcome everyone so
wholeheartedly when they :-
-Ignore you completely
-Shove the paper off
-Surprisingly decline with politeness
-Take the flier and throw it in the dustbin nearby
-Take the flier and walk to the wrong stall
-Lie that they've received one
-Generally treat you like you're a déclassé (which I confess was how I perceived them before I actually did it myself)

I now have a newfound respect for anyone who has the guts (or desperation) to give out fliers to everyone and take rejection in the face!

But of course, that's not the main story! I believe I haven't introduced you guys to my friend, Sven?

Possibly one of the worst pictures of Sven, ;P

In summary, he is a 6-feet something dude from Germany who likes girls with dark hair. He studies Politics and Economics, and is 22 or 21 I think. He recently broke up with his Indian girlfriend before coming to Australia, but not before giving her a farewell 'visit' in New Delhi on the way here. :)

Anyways, I felt kind of bad for missing his birthday party, as I was off with my sister in Phillips Island. She came over just under 2 weeks ago, but has since gone back. That's a story for another day. So we met up today for dinner at some generic Japanese-Chinese restaurant and caught up with current issues.

It turned out that he was present at the Festival of Nations, butsomehow we didn't see each other. With him being 6-feet and all it was quite a feat, but nonetheless totally useless information to inform anyone about. He then mentioned this girl he met, who was in the Malay Club (Yes, there's one, and it was just next to my club's stall), who was trying to get him to buy some food at her stall.

From some twist of twisted fate, she actually offers him free satay,and tells him that he could pay if he wanted to. He being his 'shy' self just smiles politely and starts eating the satay. She then walks back to her stall. Feeling guilty for being a scrooge, he goes after her and offers to pay for it, upon which she politely declines and makes a joke about it. Sven being his 'shy' self then says that he has to go and walks away. A few seconds after that, he looks back to see her disappear.

And that would be Sven's predicament of the day. According to him, she is a 8 out of 10 on the Beauty scale, and is quite smitten by her. I've actually seen her around before, as she has this conspicuous mole that he noticed as well, and I have to say she is quite the deal. Quite. She kinda looks like Ella when Ella was younger and in her prime.

It's still not over for dear Sven though! The Festival of Nations concludes on Wednesday, so he still has at least a day to talk to this girl and somehow find a way to get her to go out with him for coffee or dinner or whatever he's planning on asking her. Through a sudden burst of breathtaking intelligence, I somehow came up with this brilliant plan of teaching Sven Bahasa. He took to this idea immediately and took out his notebook quite earnestly (I'm not making this thing up!).

With that I started with the basic words and lines that he would need. First there's 'apa khabar'. Then there was 'Nama saya Sven'. It went on to more complex lines like 'kamu sangat cantik' or 'kamu sungguh menawan' depending on the situation.

When Sven got farely fluent with the essentials we went on to the crunch question. Knowing how atrocious my Bahasa is I struggled to construct a proper sentence to ask her out. I ended up with 'Andaikah kamu lapang malam ini?' I really do hope that my sentence was right.. Lol.. For all he knows I could have asked him to say "Would you let me spank your bottom?" or something to that extent (it was his words!)

Here's practice session number 1. (Stupid me forgot that I can't rotate videos like pictures can)

Of course, I couldn't stop there. Somehow 'kamu sungguh menawan' just doesn't cut it. I then proceeded to modify the sentence. It ended up like this..

'Kamu sungguh menawan, bagi bidadari dari syurga.' Haha! I know it's extremely corny. But then again, when uttered by a
towering German, who knows what could happen? So, with that sure-get-date line in place, we took another practice session, this time with some facial expressions and casual body signs.

Well, that's all Daniel the guru Bahasa Malaysia can do for his mate here. All the best to him tomorrow! Hopefully I'll be able to get it on video too! Haha..

Oh, food was good. :)

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Uncanny Look-Alikes

Being in Australia is a whole new ball game, but sometimes it doesn't feel too far at all!

For example, I am constantly being reminded of Lee Kian (not necessarily a good thing) because a dude in my college is EXACTLY like Lee Kian!

On one hand, we have Lee Kian. Gym junkie, does martial arts, watches a lot of action movies, and likes fighting. On the other hand , we have Mike Chong. Gym junkie, does martial arts, watches a lot of action movies, and likes fighting.

Lee Kian. Likes to threaten people, joking or not. Doesn't know how to be polite to girls, or just playing around. Breaks Daniel's racket during badminton. Mike Chong. Likes to threaten people, but mostly joking. Doesn't know how to be polite to girls, or just playing around. Breaks pool stick during a game of pool (breaks two actually - separate incidents).

Lee Kian. Massive Savage Garden fan. Mike Chong. Has been to a Savage Garden concert, and is obviously a fan.

Need I say more?

That's not it with the similarities though! There's another guy who reminds me of Amresh, to a certain extent at least.

Amresh Subramaniam. Slightly pudgy, Indian, can hold his liquor. Rushith Dissanayake. Slightly pudgy, Indian, can hold his liquor. Then again, all Indians can.

Amresh Subramaniam. Talks a lot, and gets made fun of a lot. Rushith Dissanayke. Talks a lot, and gets made fun of a lot.

Amresh Subramaniam. Deceptively good at basketball, but rubbish at poker. Rushith Dissanayake. Deceptively good at basketball, but rubbish at poker. ;P

So yeah, I haven't totally been isolated from Malaysia at all! And I'm sure there's one who would resemble Jeremy! Will update on next uncanny look-alike..

Note : This is just a random post so that I do not have to work on my assignment yet, which is due on Tuesday. Procrastination rocks!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Poker bonanza!

Just finished a crazy game of Texas Hold'em, and I must say that it was the craziest ever!

It started at around 8, when Adam decided to bring his chip set down. This was just after the Halo party in the Baige, where almost 90% of the guys were battling it out on Halo, in which Ed (the crippled dude, ^.^ ) came out tops. Then again, he owns the bloody X-box so it's not too surprising.

Anyways, we couldn't find enough people so Adam and I had to hunt for a few dudes to fill the table up. First up was Ryan's room (the guy who kinda looks like Navin), but Ryan, Justin, Wally and Meg were playing Dota. On the second floor we came upon Ed's room, and asked if he would like to play a little bit of poker. He called down Tim and Carl (fatty), and we were off!

However, we didn't have enough chips, so Tim improvised and brought down his bucket of Lego. (Why would he have a bucket of Lego in his room anyway?) It was pretty offbeat, but great fun all the same.

It started out quite slowly, with a few beginners feeling their way into the game. You had the basic "I don't understand blinds" to dudes folding when they could check instead!It was pretty even until Damien came along, and sat down beside Carl (beginner).

He started wiping out people from left, right and center with Carl's money. He then took over Ed's place when Ed got wiped out, upon which Ed decided to get his stash of alcohol to further hypen up the atmosphere! Instead of using money to buy in again, the dudes offered shots from their stash of alcohol to the 'rich' people instead.

Alcohol and poker is possibly the best combination of fun bar a real party. Everyone was just laughing their heads off at the incredible combinations that came out. There was your "Four of a kind" hand, where Carl nicely kept inconspicuous throughout the whole round and then just wiped everyone out. Then there was Tim who didn't even know he had a bloody full house and wiped the pot clean. Then there was good ol' me who did a major last-card-fuck on Damien, and effectively ended his tenure on the table!

There was also the intense round between Ed (who bought in through Tim with a shot of Jim Beams) and me, where we poker-faced our way, not knowing that we had identical hands and thought we could fleece the other dude out of his money. We got such a great laugh when the hands were shown!

And of course there's Roo, possibly the biggest loser in Texas Hold'em, who bought in three times and lost everything! For the third buy in he gave a shot of Cowgirls to Tim. Essentially, Cowgirls is Bailey's but ten times more feminine! The colour of the content is bright pink, including the bottle as well, with the most girly font at the front saying "Cowgirls". It was just so gay, and Roo got a real good banging there.

Throughout the time people were just coming in and out, wondering what the hell are 8 crazy guys laughing and slamming the tables for! Anyways, so it all went down to three dudes. Ed, effectively coming back from the dead; Tim, who was hitherto the perennial winner; and ol' humble Daniel with quite a respectable hoard too.

Needless to say, the Chinaman prevailed and managed to wipe Ed and Tim out. The blinds were increased a few times to speed up the game, and boy did it go high! It went from one Lego brick for small blind to 10 Lego bricks for small. And apparently the smallest wager allowed has to at least be equal to the big blind. That would mean that I have been playing Texas Hold'em all wrong previously! Oh well..

I reigned as Poker champion of JCH at 12.30 am, an insane 4 hours of non-stop bluffing and all-inning and taking the piss off everyone! Though it still doesn't beat playing with real money it was pretty close I must say.

Well, that's all folks! The king must get his much-needed sleep. Have bloody duty to do in the morning. Don't wanna miss it and get fined for $50! Signing out!

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Culmination of Sacrifices

It is the weekend (14th to the 15th) of our last match. Mathematically
speaking, if we managed to beat Trinity College by more than 200
points, then we would go through, but realistically speaking... Never

Anyways, training was on Saturday at 1400 hours. With not
much time left we decided to commence with a new training regime which
sadly, didn't go too well. Kinda confused us lot actually. But the
workout was much needed.

Somehow I didn't feel too sore after the training compared to my last outing. Daniel's on the way to his six packs! Haha..
I even had the liberty to play an hour or two of tennis with Paul,
Mike, and Janice. Since I haven't played tennis since I was 12 I
obviously sucked real bad. I did serve some great serves though, a la
AndyRoddick! ;P

The palpable tension on Sunday was quite
unnerving at times. Maybe I should elucidate on the importance of this
match. Janet Clarke Hall was owned by Trinity College when it was first
established by Lady Janet Clarke. You see, Janet Clarke Hall was the
original women-only college (not anymore la of course!) and Trinity
College was a men-only college. So basically Trinity College has been
stepping on us ever since we came to be. The day we became a sovereign
college was a proud day. Since then, loads of bloodshed has tainted our
unwritten history.

For example, since they own the gates from
uni to our college, they found it a good idea to lock the gates, making
us either climb over the 7-foot gate or take the long way along the
main road. Of course, we shall not be undermined by those misogynistic
bastards! One of us had the audacity (which we all are in awe of) to actually get a bolt cutter and break the f*cking lock off! Haha! Another triumphant day for JCH!
However, due to security reasons, and the plausible presence of Trinity
spies, the identity of the person has not been divulged yet. Not that
it matters anyway!

Moving back to footie, I find it pertinent
to mention that we actually beat Trinity last year! According to the
stories it was a majestic feeling and very memorable indeed to the
players and supporters. That got us all worked up and eager to bash
thoseoppressive yokels!

Sunday lunch we sat as a team and ate together, just as the men of 300
would. After the preliminary checks (gear, mouth guard,
water and so on), we then proceeded to a tutoring room to have a
tactical meeting. The boys from Medley (if I haven't mentioned it
before,JCH and Medley teamed up together to make a football team. We
are the smallest colleges on campus, so it was perfectly logical to put
us together. After all, the total amount of mates fromJCH and Medley
combined is not even as many as Trinity's) came soon after. Funnily,
the coach came in with a massive hangover, and couldn't even remember
his all-inspiring speeches! It didn't matter too much though, because
Ed (the co-head coach) laid out the basics for us. It's either we win
or we win.

After a half hour of that we gathered our stuff and
headed to the field. We reached a half hour early and proceeded with
warm-up training. Trinity had the bloody cockiness to not even show up
till 5 minutes before the match! That really made our blood boil.

Then crunch time
came. We huddled together, with our arms around our neighbour's
shoulders as Ed gave one last poignant message "Okay boys, this is what
we have been training for. All those waking up at 6.30 and running our
butts off is for this day. Trinity came up here thinking that they are
going to win easy. They're wrong. They might have the skills, but we
have the heart and the determination to give them a run for their
money. If we can keep the intensity up for the first 10 minutes, we
know that we can heap the pressure on them. This is it boys, this is
it. Okay, hands together now.. On the count of 3. 1, 2, 3, Allies!"

the visceral screams of Allies, we headed towards the field. A few of
us headed to the sub bench (no bench though, so we stood), including
me. The referee blew his whistle, and the game commenced. Immediately
we were on the offence. The game got messy for a while as Allies ran
for every ball and gave our everything. However, not too soon after,
Trinity drew first blood with a lucky goal from the middle. Not to be
undone, we scored our first proper goal of the tournament not too soon
after, courtesy of Reese's (I think that's how it's spelled) grounder
goal. Yells of triumph were heard as the boys congratulated Reese. The
screams of joy from the girls of Medley andJCH were heard from the
other end of the field. As the quarter wore on Trinity's class shown as
they managed to score another crappy goal or two.

The referee
then blew his whistle, signalling the end of the first quarter. I was a
bit disappointed that I haven't been on the field yet, but I knew that
I would get my chance. We didn't have much time, so the coach screamed
for us to huddle up quick, and gave us a few pointers. "Guys, I can see
you all doing your best out there, but all this would go to waste if
you can't do anything productive when the ball is in your possession.
We are beating them in terms of possession but we are not converting
them into any sort of real chances. Teamwork is very important in this
game". The boys then entered the second quarter with the same
conviction as the first.

After just a minute or two, Matey had
to be subbed out after getting a hit in the face, resulting in his nose
bleeding quite badly. Adam was sent on. Just a few minutes later I was
sent on after Brendan, who was playing as forward flank. I was joined
byRushith, who then played forward. The feeling that came over me when I stepped foot onto that ground was quite exhilarating
. Unfortunately, I didn't have the liberty of taking it all in as I had
to concentrate on the game. With that I was off! Most of the game was
spent in the middle and on the left flank, which left me isolated out
on the right. The opposition too noticed that I was not getting the
ball much and actually left me roaming around the top right corner of
the field (or maybe it was my great positional play). If someone
actually looked up and passed me the ball I would have had a clear-cut
chance at goal. Of course, it wasn't to be. The only time I was in
action was when I went after the ball at the same time with this bulky
dude from Trinity and had a very nice clash with him. Trust me, running
full speed into another person is NOT something I would do everyday.
That said, it did get the adrenaline going. The second most memorable
moment was when I had to dive for the ball. Upon reaching the ball I
was immediately engulfed with crazed players both teammates and
opposition. Beneath the squirming bodies I managed to flick the ball to
a teammate, and immediately got up to assist him.

That said, we
didn't do too well in the second quarter and were further behind by a
couple of goals. We can pretty much imagine how the coach is gonna be.
true enough, he gave us a good rollicking! The third quarter was more
of the same, which didn't bode well for our chances at winning the game.

last quarter was a whole different ballgame altogether. We were
galvanised by the powerful speech by Ed. Watching him run himself
ragged, as well as Will and Damien really got our blood pumping again.
It was a disastrous start to the quarter. Trinity scored a hell of a
scrappy goal almost immediately. Instead of killing us off it made us
even more pumped up, and we responded with a beautifulfree kick by
Andy. That provided the impetus for us to go for the impossible. Two
minutes later, we scored another goal! Cries of ecstasy erupted from
the boys, accompanied by wild cheers from our supporters. It became a
one-sided quarter, as we battered Trinity's defences from all sides of
the field. Next came David's attempt, which was flying for an agonizing
few seconds before hitting the inside of the post. Groans were heard as
it meant that we got only one point instead of 6. Of course, that
didn't stop us much!

Not too long after the goal I was given the
signal to replace Hugh, who was limping off with a slight twitch on his
hamstring. As Hugh played centre forward, I was in charge of fending
off a 6-feet player with the physique of a rugby player.Yay . I
couldn't let the team down though. I was quite proud when I managed to
punch a ball clear before he could reach for it. However, the final
nail into the coffin came a minute later as we saw our co-head coach go
down, and we had to substitute Ed. It was a massive blow for us, as he
was the one holding the team together and keeping the morale up. We
never really recovered after the injury, and Trinity scored a few more
lousy goals.

When the whistle blew, we could only look into
the sky and ponder, "What if?" With extreme reluctance we shook hands
with the Trinity players and mouth "Congrats" as sincerely as possible.
Then we huddled together for a debriefing. The coach went on about how
he was extremely proud to be coaching us, and that we played the best
we could, and that was all that mattered. Then he told us the bad news
that Ed was sent to the hospital with a suspected broken leg, and
Sammie with a suspected broken nose. Trinity made things worse by
singing cliched victory songs that made us sick to our stomach. At the
best, it was a Pyrrhic defeat, but knowing that I played with the best bunch of guys there is cheered me up a bit. I also spent a little bit of time reminiscing, realizing that this was probably my first and last footie game ever.

We walked to the Royal Melbourne Hospital to visit Ed and Sam. Unfortunately, we kinda became too noisy and were ushered out by the hospital guards. After the visit, we headed off to Pugg's (a pub) for footie sculls! As all footie sculls are, we were booted out for being too rowdy. So we headed to Clyde's instead. This time, we wisely decided to sit outside, away from the other customers.

With that, footie sculls began! Basically footie sculls consists of buying jugs of beer and singing drinking songs, upon which a certain group has to stand up and scull (bottoms-up) their glass of beer when they have to. For example, we sang about all the scorers during the game. The players who scored then have to stand up and down their beer while the song is going on. Then another group is called upon, like the forwards. Pretty soon everyone is sculling their beer. Some 'unlucky' ones may have to scull glasses of beers without stop. Lincoln, for example, sculled three times in a row for playing as a forward, a midfielder and was from Medley.

As time passed, people went off. With a smaller crowd we proceeded into the pub. Still in a competitive mode, someone decided to have a boat race between JCH and Medley, to which loud shouts of "Oi!" greeted it. A boat race we will have!

Basically this is how it works. Two groups of 6 sit opposite each other, in this case JCH being on one side and Medley the other. Everyone is to sit down with a glass of beer in front of them. The countdown starts by first asking everyone to put their thumbs on the table. Then they are to place their chins onto the table. Then off they go! The first person has to stand up and scull his beer as fast as possible, upon which he would then slam the glass onto the table, prompting the next person to then stand up and scull his beer. This goes on until the last persson sculls his beer and slams it on the table. This first team to finish sculling wins obviously.

The first time round I was the first person, which put a lot of pressure on me as I didn't really know how well I would do. As it turns out, I actually did quite well, finishing the same time as my opponent. It was pretty intense and hilarious as everyone spurred each other on to scull their beer. It was really neck-to-neck right to the end, and we actually had a tie, with both teams slamming their glasses down simultaneously (allegedly at least). With that, a second round was on to break the tie. This time I was in the middle. Unfortunately, we couldn't resist the sculling might of Medley and succumbed at the final hurdle. All in good fun though, and round up a truly memorable day.

Well, that's about it folks. That's my story on my first day of footie. It actually is a pretty cool game, both to watch and play. It's kinda sad to know that I won't be playing footie for quite a while, but then again, there is hockey and basketball to look forward to!

With that said, it was sad to lose Ed to some horrific injury, Thank God he didn't break his leg, just sprained a few ligaments. A really cool guy, and a great example of how to have fun (the same guy who we ties to a pillar and who waxed his chest). He went home for a week, but he's back in college now!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Heroes or Villains - You Decide!

The next JCH party was an interesting one. I would have loved to find a costume and present myself properly for the party, but had to meet up with a few pals to start with our bridge-building assignment. (D-Day is this Friday)

Thus I came back without a costume and missing out on the commencement of the party. However, I decided to come down with my camera and take a few shots of the most dazzling costumes. Here are a few.

Adam doing a pretty good job impersonating Borat. His accent was pretty spot on too! "Make happy time with my sister!"

Adam (left) as Appleman and Ed (right) as one of the Spartans in 300.

Adam went as Bananaman last year so Appleman is his alter ego. Now he is a caped crusader (with his underpants on the outside) striving to rid the world of all banana-eaters! Lol! And Ed if you remember is the guy whom we tied to a pillar to. It would be pertinent to mention that a few days before the party I was going to the toilet when I saw Ed groaning and a few girls giggling quite happily. Upon closer inspection I noticed a big raw red patch from his upper chest to his lower abdomens. He bloody waxed off all his chest hair! You could see blood oozing out the lacerated pores, and a few hairs which escaped the waxing. Some people just never cease to amaze me. Then again, it turned out pretty darn good during the party!

The Spartans uttering a war cry before sculling their beer.

A little bit of dancing

Me with Emma (center) and Erykah (right). Erykah's horns actually emit light when turned on! (The horns I mean)

Try looking out for famous characters! Hint : There's the Powerpuff Girls, and maybe a witch or two.

Link is somewhere in there, Indiana Jones (maybe), Lara Croft and the infamous John Howard!

Rushith doing his thang! Haha.. Poor dude, I'm the only one who was able to guess which character he was dressing up as. Can you?

Check out Erykah's horns! Hint : Rushith's character's name starts with J. And I should get a haircut pretty soon
Jarrod as Terminator (duh!)

I kinda felt tired after awhile, so I went up to get a good night's sleep. Besides, didn't really fit into the party mood for lack of a good costume. Pity I missed the Fresher's Dance though. I will learn that dance someday!

The weekend will bring a whole lot more excitement and crazy events. Come Sunday will be the biggest showdown of the year! It's the day we play our dastardly rivals, Trinity College. May they shrivel up like prunes in hell! Also, it would be my first game of footie ever (Australian football), so however it goes, it should be a pretty interesting experience!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

An Ideal Husband

It's just been a crazy night/morning.. It's 4 am in the morning and here I am posting a post. What the hell am I rambling about? Well, today is just one of those days that must not go unsaid due to its sheer amount of crazy events... Not drunk by the way, just tipsy and in serious need of serious sleep, which I would do in a short while..

So, today started like a normal Saturday would. Miss breakfast, wake up just in time for lunch and so forth. Of course, during lunch I was dutily informed that I missed my kitchen duty, which was during Saturday morning and now I would have to pay a fine or make up for it. Damn.

At 1.40pm I got suited up and met up with the other guys at the foyer for footie practice. It's actually my first session considering I missed the last two because I overslept (what's new?). There really isn't much to say about the training, but if I don't become fit by the time this semester is over I would really really murder someone. Probably my footie coach, Ed, who is another story by himself.

So yeah.. Got back from practice at around 4, then I got ready for the JCH play, "An Ideal Husband" by the eminent Oscar Wilde. I was hugely impressed with the whole play, especially considering they only had 2 weeks to practice for this play. It was a full house today. Massive turnout. Although everyone did an excellent job with their characters the man who stood out is this cool dude called Damien, who played his character so well I actually imagined it as the real Damo (not very far off actually). The manner in which he portrayed Wilde's sardonic wit and sarcasm is just amazing. For such a small college without students in the drama field the play was an absolute success. Go JCH! Hehe.. Oo, kudos must also go to Jason Chin, who valiantly played the French maid, tight black leggings and white apron. Very interesting imagery right there. Too bad I couldn't bring my camera in..

Anyways, in all obviousness there was to be an after party to celebrate the success and conclusion of the play, so we headed off to Pugg's, a bar not too far off from JCH. The amount of alcohol drunk was just tremendous. In the first ten minutes of sitting down a girl already downed two huge glasses of Snake Bites (mixture of beer and cider saturated with raspberry essence). There's this awesome song where everyone would sing it and insert a person's name into one part, hereby obliging the person to basically down whatever he or she is holding! The term they use for 'downing the whole bottle' is a word that is kinda in between 'scald' and 'skull'.

Adam pretty much wasted

The games they played were so corny, but oh so effective when alcohol comes into the equation. Good ol Damo played a trick on Hannah(I think that's her name, and it's a different Hannah from previously mentioned) whereby if she said the word seventeen, she would have to buy him a drink and if she could withold the word, he would buy her two drinks. Basically it went like this,

"What's 2+2?"


"Right you are. Okay, what's 4+4?"








"Ahah, I got you!"

"But I thought you said seventeen!"

It was at that exact moment when everyone just burst into laughter! It was so funny.. at that time anyway.. To actually fall for that old trick.. Then again, alcohol does funny things.. :)

Rushith (greedy bugger) drinking a free Jim Beam's. It was free because some random came up to us, started being touchy feely, babbled about random nonsense, and gave us his just opened bottle of Jim Beam's as goodwill. Wow. Probably pissed in the bottle or something. o.0

Well, disappointingly the bar started closing at around 1 so we headed back home, albeit with frequent stops at eateries for food and restrooms. Not many of us were ready for sleep yet so we just ended up doing random stuff around the hall. Remember Ed? Well, he's back.

Somehow someone got this crazy idea of tying Ed to a column in the JCH front foyer, to which Ed so happily agreed to, in the name of fun. Thus, with duct tape and much mindless laughter, we got Ed nicely tied up like a Christmas tree. Not to be outdone, someone (I think it was Eamonn) then proposed pulling down Ed's pants, for all to see next morning when everyone comes down for breakfast. Of course, Ed being Ed, agreed wholeheartedly. This part is actually still alright, because what happens after that was just.. horrifically obscene.

Well, we all know that boxers aren't exactly the tightest things in the world. So.. during the process of de-pantsing, his boxers decided to follow suit and gave way, which gave all of us a very disturbing image. So there Ed was standing there with a big grin in his face with his family jewels exposed for all the world to see! It was especially funny when we had to lift the boxers up for him again as he couldn't do it himself! Omg.. Will probably haunt me for the rest of my life..

We then proceeded to hang out in Ed's room, where I was taught really cool drinking games, like Bunny and some complex card game. And he has a set of chess with shot glasses. Awesome stuff. Me being Malaysian was quite obliged to teach them Indian poker, to which received numerous amounts of "Wow!" and "we're playing this Thursday". Not even sure whether it was invented by Malaysians though.. Probably India (no shit Daniel) While all this was going on, there were a couple on the bed, under the blanket doing all the frisky stuff in the world. To me at least, having this occuring at early Sunday morning is understandable, but in front of everyone? Haha.. Alcohol really does wonders.. For obvious reasons I can't name the amorous couple, but it really opened up my eyes to how Australians party..

Ed's personal collection of booze. Notice the absinthe at the right hand corner. Don't think it's enough though..Probably would be gone in 2 months..

So, basically that's it.. I really have to sleep now.. Remind me to refrain myself from posting during moments of insufficient sobriety.. A good night to all!